
HAH! It's not an American!

It's the videogames! They should be banned, I say, banned!

British kid hires hitman to kill his mom because she took away his Playstation 3

Picture: MNgilen

Paper Cut!

Origami that puts your napkin folding to shame.

This guy must be so boring.

Picture: Chrys Omori

Knife Attack!

Army dude got his head stabbed in Iraq.

Don't worry, he's fine - and headed back soon!

Picture: mnsc


Flux capacitor? <--way too clunky

Finally, a Chronotheric Fluxing Capacitron for the home!

Keep your Delorean in the garage, sonny.

Picture: gavinandrewstewart

Vishnu Reincarnated?

... or a giant human/spider?

You decide.

8-limbed girl!

Picture: rightiswrong